Wing Sponsors the 11th Charity Event of RUPP

February 26, 2020

Wing (Cambodia) Limited Specialised Bank, Cambodia’s leading Specialised Bank in Payments, joined hands with “The 11th Charity event 2020” which was held at Royal University of Phnom Penh on 22nd Feb as main sponsor with the purpose of promoting youth’s participation in charity.

The event was graced by H.E. Dr. Hang Chuon Naron, Minister of Education, Youth and Sport, H.E. Hun Many, the President of Union of Youth Federations of Cambodia, Mr. Manu Rajan, Chief Executive Officer of Wing, excellencies, ladies and gentlemen​ representing government​ institutions​ and​ agencies, ​ private​ companies, ​ and​ a participation of over 10 thousand youth from different universities.

In the vibrant ambience displaying creative products made by youth and colorful art performances, the distinguished guests and participants bought and donated the cause to support Cambodian Youth who needs support and Youth Red Cross of RUPP.

Minister of Education Dr. Hang Chuon Naron admired and appreciated the hard work of youth volunteers in making this event successful. Youth’s participation in the events will enable them to strengthen their capacity and experiences towards good job opportunities.

Through​ this​ sponsorship,​ Wing reassures its​ commitment in improving daily lives of Cambodians​ with​ the​ Royal​ Government​ of​ Cambodia​ and other relevant stakeholders by helping to foster the charity culture within people of Cambodia.