Wing Bank Honors CCF’s 20th Anniversary, Supporting the Poorest Community

May 29, 2024

Wing Bank joins the Cambodia Children’s Fund in celebrating its 20th anniversary, expressing gratitude in giving destitute children and families in Cambodia a better life.

Phnom Penh, May 30, 2024 – Wing Bank (Cambodia) Plc proudly joins the Cambodia Children’s Fund (CCF) in commemorating its 20th anniversary, expressing profound gratitude for two decades of transforming the lives of destitute children and elderly Cambodians.

The festival celebration, held at CCF’s headquarters in Stueng Meanchey, was graced by the presence of His Majesty King NORODOM SIHAMONI, as well as the attendance of the First Lady Her Excellency Dr. Pich Chanmony, esteemed Cambodian dignitaries, and CCF’s dedicated supporters.

Han Peng Kwang, CEO of Wing Bank, conveyed his heartfelt appreciation for CCF’s unwavering commitment and tireless efforts, stating, “Wing Bank is deeply moved and sincerely grateful for the Cambodian Children’s Fund’s dedication to educating and supporting the most vulnerable communities, providing a brighter future and lifting them out of poverty.”

“Their 20-year journey is an inspiring testament to the power of hope and resilience. Wing Bank is honored to support their mission and expresses profound gratitude for their remarkable contributions,” added Han.

In 2004, Scott Neeson made a life-altering decision to leave his successful Hollywood career and devote himself to improving the lives of Cambodia’s most vulnerable citizens, leading to the establishment of the Cambodia Children’s Fund.

“This milestone marks not just our achievements but also the possibilities that lie ahead. We are excited to expand our impact and share the knowledge we have gained to benefit more children and those in need,” Scott Neeson shared.

CCF, a non-profit organization, has been unwavering in its efforts to empower Cambodian children and families through education, healthcare, and economic development, positively impacting the lives of over 130,000 impoverished individuals.

The organization also addresses critical health needs, provides housing solutions, and offers essential community support. With the construction of over 500 homes, CCF has brought stability and hope to approximately 2,500 Cambodians.

CCF’s reach has significantly expanded, now serving more than 4,000 children through their education programs, with nearly 2,000 new students joining annually. The Neeson Cripps Academy, a STEM-focused high school, provides education to 450 students, equipping them with the tools and opportunities to break the cycle of poverty.

Over 70% of the first CCF students have successfully pursued higher education and built prosperous careers, with many now working to uplift their families from poverty.

Wing Bank’s active support for community development and noble social causes aligns perfectly with CCF’s mission, embodying collective responsibility and compassion. Together, they forge a path towards a brighter future, lifting young souls from poverty into opportunity and hope, thereby enriching the community.