Pay with Wing to get 10% discount for your movie ticket!

June 5, 2018


  • Get 10% discount on your movie ticket at Prime Cineplex when you pay through Wing!


  • Promo is valid from August 13, 2018.


  • Get 10% off on your movie ticket when you pay with Wing.
  • Pay your ticket with Wing account.
  • You can pay by scanning the QR code or swiping the card via POS, or book your tickets online and pay with your Wing account.
  • Enjoy your movie at a discount only with Wing!


  • For any payment through Wing.


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Terms and Conditions

  • Promo is valid from August 13, 2018.
  • 10% discount will be given to any payment with Wing only.
  • The 10% discount offer for Prime Cineplex Sovanna & Prime Cineplex Borey Vimean Phnom Penh only.
  • Customer has to pay his/her movie ticket via Wing account.
  • Pay with QR Code payment.
  • Pay through Wing Money Mobile App.
  • Pay through USSD Code.
  • Wing reserves the rights to change without prior notice to customer.


No Wing Account Yet? Click Apply button to get your Wing account now!

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Frequent Asked Questions:

  1. How long is the promotion?
    A: Promo is valid from August 13, 2018.
  2. What is the address of Prime Cineplex?
    A: 1. Prime Cineplex Sovanna Shopping Center, 4th floor.
    2. Prime Cineplex Borey Vimean Phnom Penh, 3rd & 4th floor of Atrium supper market,
    Chraing Chamres 1 commune, Resseykeo district, Phnom Penh.
  1. How can the customer get 10% discount?
    A: Customer has to pay his/her movie ticket through Wing account:
  • Pay with QR Code payment.
  • Pay through WingMoney Mobile App.
  • Pay through USSD Code.
  1. What type of currency that customer could pay, only Khmer or Dollar or both?
    A: Both.