Enjoy a First-Year Annual Fee Waiver with the Wing UnionPay Platinum Numberless Card!
Promo Period: Promotion Ended!
April 11, 2024Embark on a journey of unparalleled benefits and savings with the Wing UnionPay Platinum Numberless Card. Take advantage of the exclusive opportunity to have your first-year annual fee waived, whether traveling, shopping, or dining, this card allows you to unlock privileges and maximize your savings. Don’t miss out on this fantastic offer!
Promotion Period: Now until December 2024 or until further notice
Why Wing UnionPay Platinum Numberless Card?
Wing UnionPay Platinum Numberless Card is a gateway to the ultimate banking convenience and exclusive privileges you’ve never experienced. Here’s why it stands out:
- Global Acceptance: Seamlessly spend and pay worldwide at merchants displaying the UnionPay International (UPI) logo.
- Exclusive Discounts: Enjoy a 20% discount at Plaza Premium Lounges at airports nationwide.
Learn More - Local Offers: Get a 10% cash rebate or USD 5 off on minimum purchases of USD 25 and above at AEON Mall Supermarkets.
Learn More - Global Offers:
- Travel: Exclusive UnionPay card privileges are available on AirAsia.
Learn More - Entertainment: Access Marina Bay Sands Lifestyle Exclusive Privileges for UnionPay Premium Cardholders.
Learn More
- Travel: Exclusive UnionPay card privileges are available on AirAsia.
How to Apply:
Getting your Wing UnionPay Platinum Numberless Card is easy. Visit any Wing Bank branch or call us at 023 999 989 to experience a hassle-free application process today.
1. What is the Wing UnionPay Platinum Numberless Card?
The Wing UnionPay Platinum Numberless Card offers secure and convenient banking solutions with exclusive benefits for cardholders. -
2. What is the duration of the card campaign?
The campaign is ongoing until December 2024. -
3. What benefits does the card offer?
Enjoy waived first-year annual fees, exclusive offers, enhanced security, and easy card management through the Wing Bank app. -
4. How can I apply for the card?
You can visit the nearest Wing Bank branch or call Wing customer service at 023 999 989.