Wing Bank brings you the new service on Wing App “Credit Report” which allows customers to request their Personal Credit Report at CBC anywhere and anytime. Personal Credit Report is a record of individual borrower credit payment history compiled from banks, microfinances and major financial institutions.


Customers have to download Wing App to enjoy this service:

Wing App:

How to register:

Terms and Conditions:

By clicking “I Agreed” you are hereby accepting the following terms and conditions of requesting for Credit Report from Credit Bureau Cambodia (“CBC”) through digital channel of Wing Bank (Cambodia) Plc.(“Wing”). You agreed with these following terms and conditions in addition to the terms and conditions applicable to you for engaging with Wing.

  • You voluntarily and willingly agreed to provide the CBC with your consent in compliance with the Prakas on Credit Reporting to generate your own personal credit report to deliver it to you.
  • You agreed and warranted that the email you supplied thereupon as delivery method of your own personal credit report you requested is truly correct and belongs to you and under your control. You agreed to take full responsibilities in the event of erroneousness or misspelling(s) of the email provided by you.
  • You hereby agreed and authorized Wing to deduct fee associated with your request for your own personal credit report from your Wing account.
  • Shall you have any dispute or questions in relation with your own personal credit report, and those are not related to the banking transactions with Wing, you are requested to contact CBC Office via phone number +855-23-999006 or address: Vattanac Capital (Level 9) #66 Preah Monivong Blvd, Wat Phnom, Daun Penh, Phnom Penh.

Fee Charge

Only 20,000KHR per request

Credit Report