Celebrating Life and Giving Back to Life, Wing Donates 2 Water Pumps for 107 Families

August 21, 2017

Kampong Speu, 19th August 2017, Wing (Cambodia) Specialized Bank employees initiated a fun drive to celebrate Wing’s 9th year anniversary by giving away two (2) manual water pump  and introduce financial education to Doun Teup Village, Brambei Mum Commune, Tporng District, Kompong Speu Province. The employees’ initiative aims to help 107 families to have an access to clean water and educate the people on the proper management of their income, how to start saving, and how to avoid getting into debt.

The deep well installation has been built prior to the inauguration on Saturday. And was built by the appointed well diggers of the municipality. The employees arrange this initiative in response to the community’s request to solve the lack of clean water source for the community especially during the dry season. “Having no access to clean water is a relentless misery. It causes sickness for the children, lack of water means no bathing, washing, livestock livelihood which would also lead to less food and less income” according to the head of commune, Mr. Chieng Et.

On the same day, Wing also conducted basic financial education which was attended by more than 50 families. The financial education was headed by Mrs. Limheang Brak, Program Officer of SHE Investments along with the employees of Wing. After the training the participants has been aware of how to properly manage their finances and gained better understanding of income and expense. They also learn how to avoid debts. “I am really happy that Wing come to help us, I have used Wing in sending and receiving money from my family. Helping us understanding the ways on how to identify and manage our finances is very good, we are more confident now on how to it should be done.” said Mr. Ma Theourn one of the villagers who attended the financial education.

Easy access to clean water and instillation of financial education can bring positive, holistic change not only in the community but in the country as a whole” Mr. Jojo Malolos, Wing CEO said on his closing remarks. Wing continuously offer innovative and easy to use banking products and services to its customer, and offers free Wing account to the community to encourage the people to save.

The active participation and the dedication of Wing employees to foster community contribution is part of the Banks mission – community as the caused.

Kampong Speu, 19th August 2017, Wing (Cambodia) Specialized Bank employees initiated a fun drive to celebrate Wing’s 9th year anniversary by giving away two (2) manual water pump  and introduce financial education to Doun Teup Village, Brambei Mum Commune, Tporng District, Kompong Speu Province. The employees’ initiative aims to help 107 families to have an access to clean water and educate the people on the proper management of their income, how to start saving, and how to avoid getting into debt.